• What are your opening hours? We are located at 38 George street Palmerston North. Our opening hours are: Monday 10am-6pm, Tuesday 12pm-4pm, Wednesday 12pm-4pm, Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-12pm, Sunday - CLOSED
  • Do you do postal try ons? Yes, we are currently running postal try ons. Please visit the Postal try on page on the main menu of our website for more info 
  • Do I have to book a try on? - No, you are welcome to come in at any time during our store opening hours. If you are wanting to know if a garment is in store at the time you want to try it on, feel free to email or direct message us on instagram. 
  • What does it mean when you say size M fits sizes 8-12 for example? - This means that the garment is size medium on the tag but due to the stretch or fit of the garment it can fit a range of sizes. 
  • When do rentals get posted? - Rentals are posted for the weekend Monday- Thursday on NZ post overnight courier. The tracking number will be sent to you via email once posted. 
  • I cant find my tracking number? - Please make sure you check all your email inboxes for your tracking number including junk mail. Send through an email or DM on our instagram if you are struggling to find your tracking number.
  • How do I check the availability of a garment? - There is a calendar on each product that shows the availability of the product. If you are unable to click on the date you want the garment for it means that it is booked.
  • When I book a rental, what date do I select? - Please select the date you are going to be wearing the garment as your start date, and the next working day as your return date (Adjust the duration to accomodate this). Please check our rental guide for more details on how to book.
  • When do I post my rental back? - All rentals need to be posted back the next working day after your event. Just return the garment in the prepaid bag to a NZ post shop or depot so the tracking is activated (not a dropbox or postbox). All returns will come with a care card with instructions on how to return your garment.
  • When is the latest I can place an order for the weekend? - The postal cut off for weekend rentals is 2:30pm Wednesday. If you are picking up, you can place your order right up until the weekend.
  • Do I wash the garment before returning? - No, we do all the washing. If a garment is damaged you will be expected to cover the costs.
  • What happens if I damage the garment? - If you damage a garment, you will pay for the repairs. If your garment cannot be repaired, you will be liable to pay the RRP for a replacement dress. 
  • What if my rental doesn't fit or I don't end up wearing it? - Unfortunately we do not offer refunds if the garment you have rented doesn't fit or you don't like it. This is a risk you take when hiring an outfit.